Here are 20+ Powerful quotes by Kiyotaka Ayanokouji!

 Every popular anime or manga specialises in certain aspects which makes them stand out among the already saturated industry.

Classroom Of The Elites novel/anime features its form of dramatic setup where fans enjoy the moves made by individuals and countermeasures taken by the opponents.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji acts as a background character and provides sufficient assistance in terms of suggestions and recommendations to others, without standing out or being attacked by some other characters.

A quote by Ayanokouji Kiyotaka from the classroom of the Elites anime
Ayanokouji Quotes

He keeps a simple and expressionless tone to avoid drawing attention which would help him to work from behind the scenes and not be easily targetted.

Here in this post, you’ll find more than 20 interesting yet meaningful Ayanokouji quotes from the Classroom Of The Elites anime series.

Some quotes will be added from the novel upon the suggestions of people in the comments section of this post.

Below you’ll find all the Ayanokouji Kiyotaka quotes:

About judging others based on appearance:

Ayanokouji Quotes about judging others
Quotes about judging others

People start by judging others based on outward appearance. Whether they’re handsome or cute or the total opposite. To put it simply, it’s what we call a first impression.

In the Classroom of the Elites Light novel or anime series, characters could hardly be defined based on their outer appearance.

 However, most of the time we encounter some students making a decisive and planned move simply by examining others based on how they look or the way they interact with others.

Ayanokouji falls under the category of those characters who need to go under a thorough investigation before making a move on someone. It highlights his complex personality which goes against the idea of being a simple individual.

When he was about to fight Ryuen;

If it’s just the four of you, you won’t be able to stop me.

 Ryuen and his followers were overconfident in their abilities and underestimated Ayanokouji as he didn’t appear to be all that powerful.

They were unaware of his combat skills and ended up being defeated without even proving to be a possible threat.

It was the first time we encountered Ayanokouji taking down multiple foes at the same time and winning all the same.

The reason he doesn’t smile:

Reasons why Ayanokouji never smiles
Reasons why Ayanokouji never smiles

It’s not that I never smile. But you don’t bring it out in me. That’s my assessment.

Most people confuse Ayanokouji’s personality and assume that he constantly makes an effort to conceal his emotions.

But in truth, it’s the environment that’s not amusing enough for him to react and that includes smiling or getting annoyed at someone or something.

There were several of his classmates who tried their best to draw a reaction out of Ayanokouji but failed to do so.

The protagonist had assumed all those possible reactions beforehand. He was aware of all the conversations and activities that would make things difficult for the others.

And knowing things beforehand doesn’t provide any room for surprises. That’s the reason none were able to emotionally impact him or draw out a reaction.

About winning and considering others as mere tools:

I’ve never once thought of you as an ally. Not you. Not Kushida. Not Hirata. All people are nothing but tools. It doesn’t matter how it’s done. It doesn’t matter what needs to be sacrificed. In this world, winning is everything. As long as I win in the end…That’s all that matters.

Horikita was the first ever person to realize the hidden potential that Ayanokouji possessed. However, she was under the impression that Ayanokouji was working together with them to make progress along with the entire class.

But little did she know, Kiyotaka never intended to ally with any of those around him. It was simply an act of making things easier by involving useful pawns in his game.

Even if it meant that he would have to go through boring and avoidable conversations.

He was willing to sacrifice anyone or anything just to reach his goal and never be bothered about it, as long as the primary goal was attained and victory was achieved.

When he was ready to clash with Ryuen:

Enough talk. It’s time for action. Come at me with all you’ve got. Pick your battlefield, and I’ll rise to the challenge.

One of the most interesting lines from Ayanokouji that we ever come across. It was during the second season of the anime when Kakeru Ryūen assumed that his ultimate plan would help him uncover the truth about the one working in shadows and protecting class D from any possible threat.

It was the first time Ayanokouji was exposed to an all-out war against Kakeru Ryūen who threatened and took Karuizawa hostage with the intent of breaking her spirit and revealing the identity of the mastermind behind class D.

About cruelty and chaos:

A person’s cruelty can increase depending upon on the circumstances. 

The greatest example in this context would be Ryuen as he continued to torture Karuizawa when he experienced the freedom to do so without any restriction. 

There was no indication of him holding back or considering the outcomes of his actions.

Ayanokouji speaks about love, feelings, and emotions:

Confessing your feelings to someone isn’t an easy thing. You spend every day in anguish, yet you still can’t do it. The words “I love you” hang in your throat, and you can’t seem to force them out. I think her earnest feelings deserve a proper answer, don’t you?

Ayanokouji himself admitted that he doesn’t have any romantic emotion inside, however, this quote speaks a different language.

Here he tried to explain the intensity of efforts that one makes when it comes to revealing their feeling towards someone else. 

It could be better understood by those who have experienced this emotion themselves. Majority of the people are never able to share their emotions with the ones they love.

 They try hard and go through several possible methods but eventually end up failing.

Several questions arise within their minds which might be related to the reaction of the one whom they approach. Whether that person would accept, reject, or simply make a laughing stock out of it.

And some of those questions keep one from ever revealing their emotions.

A lesson that reminds people to adopt an expressionless form:

Ayanokouji speaks about smiling
Ayanokouji speaks about smiling

Smiling means letting your guard down in front of another person, even if just a little.

He intends to explain the reason behind his emotionless expression which doesn’t seem to change even when things around him become out of the ordinary.

It’s a simple act of concealing your presence and keeping others from determining the depth of your existence.

One could rest easy around a person who constantly smiles and maintains a friendly environment, however, the same thing couldn’t be applied to those who never care about the Impact of their reaction on others.

Check out some Kamina quotes from the legendary ‘Gurren Lagann’ anime.

About Darkest that dwells deep inside human beings:

Those with darkness in their hearts attract one another. Eventually, the strongest of the two envelops the other.

People with similar motives and intentions are bound to cross each other. However, it’s hard to predict the nature of their relationship as to whether it would be hostile or friendly.

And in case the two decide to go Against each other, the one with higher influence and experience overwhelms the other.

And this one’s about the darkness present in the world:

There is Darkness in this world deeper than you even know.

Here Ayanokouji refers to the darkness that dwells deep inside every human and later takes a collective form when it comes to society level. 

Fortunately, human lives are long enough to realise those kinds of darkness, where most of them can be experienced at the lowest level.

Here’s the most popular Ayanokouji’s quote about equality:

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka quotes about equality
Ayanokouji Kiyotaka quotes about equality

At any rate, humans change over time based on their actions. Truth be told, at the end of the day, equality is just a fantasy. And most of us go through life denying the fact that we live in a meritocracy.

According to Ayanokouji, equality never existed in human society to begin with. It is just an overrated cliche believed by those who are fortunate enough to enjoy all the glamour this world has to offer.

People gain their status based on their abilities to make a difference in their lives as well as in society.

A middle-class family wouldn’t be equally capable of affording things which are possessed by wealthy citizens.

The reason he uses others as tools to aid him without their knowledge:

There are limits to how hard one can fight alone.

Alone isn’t an option if someone aims to become one of those who are at the top.

Ayanokouji has been using his classmates since the beginning of the series or novel. Although he doesn’t intend to align himself with others, he constantly shows signs of trusting others for certain specific tasks.

With time, he acknowledges the abilities of different students in his class and plans accordingly.

About the importance of lies in human world:

People are all born liars and are mostly used to lying. If a person who has never lied even once in their life exists, that existence itself would be a lie. For humans, lies are an inseparable part of ourselves.

Lying has to be a part of the life. For better or worse, it has been a necessary tool for people to get out of difficulties or simply deceive others.

When he decided to stand out a bit:

Up until now, I’ve never really applied myself to running out in this big, wide world of ours.

Although Ayanokouji doesn’t like to gather attention, he chose to compete against Manabu Horikita in a race which earned him many praises from his fellow students. 

He intentionally chose to rise and highlight some of his abilities to not be a completely concealed student.

 It served the purpose of reminding the other students to not underestimate Ayanokouji just because he appears dull.

About the most popular weapon of this world:

Ayanokouji- Do you know what the most powerful weapon in the entire world is? 

Suzune – “It’s pure unrestrained chaos.”

According to Ayanokouji, if someone has been granted the power to cause chaos without any restrictions, then they are in a position of being titled as the wielder of the most powerful weapon in the world.

Our world used to be the same when laws and regulations didn’t exist and there was no concept of state or nation.

A quote relating to Suzune’s Hidden potentials:

Swiss biologist Adolf Portmann said… That humans are psychologically premature creatures. Newborn humans can’t even walk on their own. But even the inexperienced may have unlimited potentials. Horikita is the same.

Since the very beginning, Ayanokouji seemed to be interested in Horikita and called her a true potential which could add greatly to the nation. 

He was able to identify her hidden potential and guided her indirectly. 

About our society:

Perception, inspiration, reasoning. None of these are dispensable in our society.

 A society without these ideals isn’t necessarily a society. And therefore, they remain an integral part when it comes to forming a group which deserves to be known as a society.

He explains how things impact everyone differently:

What might seem trivial to one person could be quite difficult for another, depending on their issues.

The best example to understand this quote is simply to identify the differences between an introvert and an extrovert person. 

While it may be an ordinary activity for an extrovert to talk to strangers without any second thought, introverts might find it way too difficult to approach the same.

No matter the cause, winning is all he wants:

“It doesn’t matter how it’s done. It doesn’t matter what needs to be sacrificed. In this world, winning is everything. As long as I win in the end, that’s all that matters.

Ayanokouji prioritises winning and moving forward regardless of the consequences. And it’s the same in most of our cases.

When something becomes way too necessary for us to achieve, thoughts about the possible consequences vanish.

But in reality, he tries his best to keep others from falling into traps laid by other elite members of the school.

About trauma and experiences:

The thing about trauma is, it responds more strongly to experiences than words.

Some of the characters from his class were not fortunate enough to have lived a normal life. Whether it be Ichinose, Kuraizawa, or Horikita Suzune. 

All the characters who had experienced sometimes trivial were traumatized and were simply not able to move on.

A scene from before he fought Ryuen:

I just have one question. Am I even in trouble right now?

Ayanokouji promised to save Kuraizawa from any threats or problems from the other classmates and decided to show up when she was being tortured by Ryuen.

However, since Ryuen and his associates failed to acknowledge Ayanokouji, they underestimated his abilities and were confident enough to take him down.

The protagonist replies with these epic words and surprises his opponents. 

He explains why worrying isn’t the best option:

If you worried too much, you’d likely miss out on something important and suffer for it.

A quote to remind the readers that worrying could interrupt the process of fun and other matters of importance.

Because he wanted to face Ryuen even if it was boring:

I manufactured this whole situation to come down to a battle of force.

Ayanokouji intended to break Ryuen in the game where he was most confident and took pride. 

Battling all of his underlings and defeating them along with Ryuen was his goal to begin with.

The reality about every individual:

Most people possessed both a public face and a private inner self after all.” – Ayanokouji Kiyotaka

Everyone must maintain a public face while being a different person in terms of ideologies and beliefs.

Ayanokouji simply tried to explain the nature of human beings when it comes to presenting oneself to the world outside. We can’t draw a conclusion of anyone’s personality or thinking merely based on their appearances.

About what it means to be a human:

Every individual has his or her own strengths and weaknesses. That’s what it means to be human.

We have expertise in different fields and choose a form of life that’s highly suitable to our desired goals.


Were you able to find the Ayanokouji quotes that you’re looking for? I did my best to gather all the popular and meaningful ones. Afterall, Ayanokouji is known to be one of the most intelligent anime characters.

His quotes depicts his true nature and the way he thinks about the world.

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Hello, I'm Purosotam, an Otaku who spends most of his free time reading manga or watching anime. Writing about them makes me feel connected with the community, and so, here I am!

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