Know Everything about Goto Ryuji | Why he lost?

Goto Ryuji was one of the many S-rank hunters who were considered as the pillars of nations after dungeons began to appear in the world of Solo Leveling Manhwa.

Here in this article, I have shared everything that you need to know about the S-rank hunter Goto Ryuji who was taken down by Ant King. You’ll also learn about his fight with Sung Jin Woo and the Ant king.

Goto Ryuji from Solo Leveling
Goto Ryuji from Solo Leveling

Goto Ryuji and his story

  • Chapter 106NV, Chapter 85WB
  • Rank – S-Rank Hunter
  • Nationality – Japanese.

 How strong was Goto Ryuji?

It would be fair to say that he was the strongest among all the other hunters in the Hunter Association’s gym, aside from Sung Jin Woo. 

  • He was recognised as the strongest by the Ant King.
  • His speed exceeds Cha Hae-in.
  • He might have cleared more A-rank dungeons than anyone else in Japan.

Sung Jin Woo vs Goto Ryuji

Goto Ryuji vs Sung Jin Woo
Goto Ryuji vs Sung Jin Woo

When Goto and Sung collided with each other, it was visible that Goto Ryuji possessed immense speed even for an S-rank hunter. 

His moves were so fast that no one could follow them or describe their intensity. And with that feat, Goto would be able to overwhelm Cha-hae In who was known for her speed. 

The fight between Sung Jin Woo and Goto was supposed to be a sparing match between the two, but, seeing how Sung was able to dodge and reach his attacks, Goto lost his cool when Sung smiled at him and turned the sparing into a serious killing mission. 

He couldn’t digest the fact that there were people with abilities enough to counter his attacks. 

But the main source of information about his powers is the Jeju Island Arc.

It was when the Ant King (later known as Beru) went on a rampage and dealt with all the hunters inside the cave, that he asked the other hunters who was their King.

That’s when he feels the presence of Goto Ryuji and considers him to be the king.

Note: According to the Ant King, Goto was the strongest among every S-rank hunter who was present on Jeju Island. 

That fact is enough to prove that Goto was a Hunter with strength that challenged several other S-rankers at the same time.

However, he wasn’t anywhere closer to being a National-level hunter. 

How weak was Goto Ryuji?

He was weak enough to be eliminated by the Ant King even after he was fully ready to battle. 

It only took one shot for the Ant King to end Goto Ryuji.

Beru wasn’t even as strong as Sung Jin Woo during the Arc. 

Who was Goto Ryuji?

Goto Ryuji was known as the strongest Hunter in Japan. It was during the beginning phase of Jeju Island Arc that we were introduced to Goto Ryuji and his fellow S-rank hunters who agreed to ally with the Korean hunters to undertake the mission of exterminating the ants.

What kind of person was Goto Ryuji?

Before learning anything about a character like Goto, it’s crucial to understand their perspective towards life and other living things.

At a glance, Goto appears to be a hunter who cooperates and leads a team swiftly without bothering much about his position or status.

However, in reality, Goto was someone who would prioritise his mission if it benefited him or his public image.

His every action was driven by a sense of victory that determined his overall success in terms of rankings and status.

He was overconfident in his power and never bothered to acknowledge the importance of other hunters or their existence. 

He challenged Sung Jin Woo to test his strength, but, as soon as he realised Jin Woo’s might, he got carried away and attempted to end Jin Woo.

This mentality proves his ignorance and ego to consider other beings as worthless when compared to his powers.

Did Goto care about his subordinates?

As shabby as it may sound, he had no intentions of letting anything or anyone bother him with his goal.

 The lives of other hunters working under him were not something he would ever consider as a matter of importance.

During the Jeju Island Arc, he simply ignored his dead teammates and stated that it was the result of their weaknesses. To him, their death was no surprise. 

Why did Goto betray Korean Hunters? 

Goto refused to help the Korean Hunters when they were about to be exterminated by the Ant King because Goto along with Japan’s Hunter Association, plotted to get the Korean S-rankers killed during this raid.

As soon as he assumed the Korean hunters were dead, he ordered their members to retreat. 

What was his Goal?

Goto Ryuji was considered to be the most powerful S-rank hunter from Japan. 

For one to acquire the title of ‘National-level hunter’, they must be powerful enough to clear an S-rank Dungeon all alone by themselves.

However, Goto was about to be entitled as a national-level hunter even after they failed to complete the mission.

The entire reason for him to ally with the Korean Hunters was to get them all killed while he would make the final move when most of the things were done. 

That way Goto would have been considered as the MPV of the raid, which could have resulted in him being entitled as a National Level hunter representing Japan.

But the main goal of this raid according to Japanese hunters was to rob Korea of all their S-rank hunters. This would lead to Japan standing as the most dominant country in Asia in terms of powerful hunters.

Goto Ryuji web Novel Chapters:

  • Introduction – Chapter 90 
  • Challaned Jin Woo – chapter 92
  • Sung Jin Woo vs Goto Ryuji – Chapter 93
  • Goto Ryuji vs Ant King -Chapter 100

Goto Ryuji vs Ant King:

The Ant king was the leader and the most powerful creature among all the other ants. 

As the fight between bugs and hunters began, things turned in favours of the hunters. 

But, as soon as the Ant king arrived, the balance of power shifted heavily towards the ants. 

None of the S-rank hunters were any close to challenging the Ant king, as a result, he crushed whoever stepped in his way.

He soon feels a strong presence outside of the cave and approaches Goto Ryuji. 

The fight between Goto and the Ant king didn’t even last a minute as the former ended up defeated without even being able to launch any attack. 

What purpose does Goto Ryuji serve in Solo Leveling Manhwa?

Well, I assume you’ve already gone through all the information shared in this article so far. 

So, as you might have understood Goto was supposed to be a strong hunter who might end up fighting some worthy opponent and die without regret.

However, his death is the most disgraceful ever in the story of Solo Leveling Manhwa. 😂

When he was introduced, I thought it would be him to deal with the Ant king since Sung Jin Woo didn’t volunteer to join the raid.

So, here’s what I think was the purpose of Goto Ryuji shaping the story:

Although his presence doesn’t add much to the story of Manhwa, he is represented as a testament to the strength of the Ant king.

That’s the only purpose he serves and reminds the readers about the amount of Strength possessed by Ant King.

Was Goto Ryuji a good person?

No, he wasn’t a good person because his primary goal has always been to complete the mission and rank up. And he wouldn’t hesitate to sacrifice or leave behind his teammates if necessary. His comrades fell into the battlefield but it didn’t have any emotional impact on him.

Who won the fight between Goto Ryuji and Sung Jin Woo?

The fight between the two was interrupted by the other hunters present in the gym because it was supposed to be a sparing match to test each other’s abilities, but Goto took things a little far and attack Jin Woo with serious intent.

Was Goto Ryuji a National-level hunter?

Even if he was know as the strongest in Japan, Goto wasn’t any close to the strength of a national level hunter. He lost to the Ant king without putting a stretch on him, which would be a piece of cake for national level hunters.


I hope you’re able to gain significant information about Goto Ryuji from Solo Leveling Manhwa. According to me, Goto deserved a little more screen time and should have had more impact on the story.

Solo Leveling is an interesting and unique Manhwa with an intriguing story. Have a look at some Solo Leveling quotes that are bada$$ and energetic.

Hello, I'm Purosotam, an Otaku who spends most of his free time reading manga or watching anime. Writing about them makes me feel connected with the community, and so, here I am!

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