Here are 20+ Memorable Quotes by Kyojuro Rengoku!

Demon Slayer was already a big hit and made it to one of the top stops after its anime adaptation. However, it was the movie ‘Demon Slayer Mugan Train Arc.’ That appealed to a wider audience and a great number of people started to follow the series.

The entire movie in itself was on a different level owing to its overall execution. None of the aspects were lacking when it came to a perfect presentation. However, the main highlight of the entire movie was without a doubt, the flame Hashira Kyojuro Rengoku.

Kyojuro Rengoku from Demon Slayer anime
Kyojuro Rengoku

Although he was introduced in the first season of the anime, we got to know about Kyojuro’s personality in the movie itself where he kindly intersects with everyone and shoulders the responsibility of being a sensible leader.

Kyojuro Rengoku and his words remain in the memories of Demon Slayer fans and will forever be cherished. And here I have mentioned all of his quotes that weren’t just words, but the flames that kept others going.

Kyojuro Rengoku quotes
Kyojuro Rengoku quotes

Below are the best Kyojuro Rengoku’s quotes:

Mother… Have I done well? Did I fulfill my responsibilities?
You did a wonderful job.

It was the last imagination of Kyojuro Rengoku when he was about to lose the last bit of strength left in his body, and before his consciousness faded away he saw an image of his past mother standing in front of him with a proud smile that every son wishes to see their mothers wearing.

When Rengoku was still a child, his mother instructed him to follow a certain path and help those who were weak and needful. Therefore, Rengoku firmly asks his mother whether he stood up to her expectations or not and whether he fulfilled his responsibility or not. To which his mother replied with a sense of pride for everything that Rengoku had done so far.

Rengoku's last words to his mother
Rengoku’s last words to his mother

The responsibility of being a Hashira:

I will fulfill my duty! I won’t let anyone here die!

Rengoku was aware of the possible threats that loomed at them. However, since the very beginning, we could figure out that our flame Hashira belongs to those categories of kind individual who hold their ground and never doubt their choices.

Their sense of obligation is strong and unwavering!

The Popular line about pushing beyond the limits:

Set your heart ablaze. Go beyond your limits.

Set your heart ablaze
Set your heart ablaze

One of the mottos that Rengoku lived by. Even though he was aware of the difference between the strengths of Akaza and his own, he remained unhinged and continued to apply greater force the repel his opponent’s attacks without doubting his flame techniques or his resolve.

The fired-up flame Hashira:

I am the Flame Hashira, Rengoku Kyojuro!

Rengoku held pride in being a Hashira, as they’re the embodiment of people’s protection against the vicious and dangerous demons who didn’t hold back and never had a second thought before harming an innocent.

He acknowledged himself as one of those and formed a sense of duty and obligation to protect everyone present within the train.

Kyojuro calls Tanjiro for their last conversation:

Come here, and let us talk for the last time.

Even after Rengoku was Critically injured, most of the viewers hoped that he would be hospitalized at the least. However, the environment drastically changed once these words were spoken out of Rengoku’s mouth. It was the moment when everyone recalled the entire contribution of Hashira Rengoku in leading the demon slayers so far.

Tanjiro – Please stop the bleeding with breathing. Is there any way to close the wound?
Rengoku – No. I will soon die.

Tanjiro was overwhelmed by the outcome of the battle, however, he wasn’t ready for these words. They hit him hard.

Rengoku’s last words for his family, i.e. his brother and father:

I will talk while I still can, so please listen. Please tell my little brother, Senjuro, to follow the path that his heart thinks is right. Tell my father that he should take care of his body.

Rengoku's last words for his brother and father
Rengoku’s last words for his brother and father

As a Hashira, Rengoku had to spend most of his time dealing with missions and was hardly able to meet his family. His younger brother looked up to him and dreamed of becoming a Hashira but was held back with the thought of their father not agreeing to this idea.

Rengoku’s father quit being a Hashira and abused his body with alcohol rendering both the Kyojuro brothers worried.

Rengoku’s words about Nezuko:

Also, Kamado boy, I believe in your little sister. I recognize her as a member of the Demon Slayers Corps. I saw that young lady protecting the humans on the train, covered in her own blood. She fought the demon with her life on the line. She protects humans. No matter what people may say, she is a member of the Demon Slayers Corps.

Although Nezuko wasn’t all-powerful compared to the other demon slayers present on the train, she gave her all and fought side by side. As a result, she was acknowledged as a member of the Demon Slayer Corps. By Kyujuro Rengoku.

Now these were Rengoku’s last words to Tanjiro and the others:

Stand tall and be proud. No matter how weak or unworthy you feel, keep your heart burning, grit your teeth and move forward.

If you just curl up in a ball and hide, time will pass you by. It won’t stop for you while you wallow in your grief.

Do not fret over my death here. For us, Hashira, being a shield for our juniors is only natural. All of us Hashira would do the same… …to protect the young.

Kamado boy… Boar head boy.. Blond boy… Keep growing, and in the future, you will be the Hashira of the Demon Slayers Corps. I believe that. I believe in you all.

Rengoku's last words before he died
Rengoku’s last words

Rengoku wasn’t well acquainted with Tanjiro and his team before their meeting at the Mugan train. However, it didn’t take him long to analyze their potential and the flame that burned within their hearts despite the Fierce tempest.

He was happy to have lived till the day but wanted to make sure that his fellow Demon Slayers didn’t end up regretting his death and despise themselves for being incapable of saving him.

Consequently, he made sure to express his gratitude and reassure them of their strength. And making efforts to erase any doubt that they harbored regarding their capabilities.

The powerful and memorable speech by Rengoku’s mother:

Ruka Rengoku– Do you know why were you born stronger than others?
Kyojuro – I do not know!
Ruka Rengoku – So that you can help those who are weak.
Those who are born with greater talents than others, must use their power for the sake of the world and its people. To use the power bestowed by the heavens. To hurt others, or for selfish gain, would be unforgivable. Helping the weak is the responsibility of those who are born strong. It is a mission that must be fulfilled responsibly. Don’t forget that.
Kyojuro – Yes!

It is lamentable that we didn’t get to know much about Ruka Rengoku. All we know is that she succumbed to illness and departed. But without a doubt, she was one of the best mothers we ever witnessed in an anime/manga series.

She might have been a source of pure knowledge for the Rengoku brothers which helped them bring up the best of themselves.

These were some of the most popular and effective lines during the entire movie, as they are later seen to be inherited by Kyojuro as his principles for living life.

He became what he wanted him to become: a strong and proud warrior who Gave a sense of security to everyone around and protected those who were too weak or too unfortunate to deal with the dangers themselves.

Rengoku could’ve easily lived a life of leisure but decided to join the Demon Slayer Corps. Instead and challenged the overwhelming demons.

Rengoku’s reply to his mother:

Ruka – I will not live for much longer. I am happy to have been the mother of a child as strong, and gentle as you. I leave the rest to you.

Kyojuro – Mother! I feel the same. It is an honor for me to have been born by a lady such as yourself.

He fulfilled his duty and stood up to his mother’s expectations by following her guidance and the patch which she recommended to him. If we know something about Kyojuro Rengoku, it’s that he loved his family the most.

Kyojuro’s words of encouragement for his younger brother:

Also, Senjuro, you and l are different! You have a big brother. One that believes in his little brother! Whatever path you pursue, you’re sure to do great! We will keep this flame burning in our hearts, and do our best! Do our best in life! Lonely or not!

Big Brothers have always been caring towards the younger ones even though it becomes a little unsettling to convey those feelings using words. And within the confinements of anime/manga series’ big brothers like Itachi, Kamina, Rengoku, and Edward Elric are popularly known for being a responsible guide to their beloved brothers.

About Growing Old and Strength:

This wonderful sword technique will be gone too, Kyojuro! Aren’t you sad?
Rengoku – It’s a fact of life. A natural consequence of being human!

Growing old and dying is what gives meaning, and beauty, to the fleeting span of a human life. It’s precisely because we age, and die, that our lives have value and nobility. Strength is not a word meant only to be used with regard to the flesh.

Rengoku's quote about growing old and dying

As soon as Akaza came across Kyojuro Rengoku he was surprised by the strength a human could possess and offered Rengoku a chance to join their team and become a demon as he assumed that it would be worthless for Rengoku to die with all that he had achieved and is still capable of achieving.

Akaza had his ideology regarding strength and the difference between the lifespan of humans and demons. He continued to intimidate Rengoku for changing his mind becoming a demon.

I’ll say it again, we have different moral values. I won’t become a demon, no matter what. – To Akaza

Still, Rengoku paid no attention to all the glittering perks that could achieve after becoming a demon. He explains about the beauty of human life and their limitations as mortals.

Other quotes from Mugan Train Arc.

He’s a bit odd, but a kind and caring person. Even his scent gives off a strong sense of justice. – Tanjiro

You can train under me. Don’t worry!

However, should you bare your fangs at the innocent, my blade of crimson flame shall scorch you to the bone!

I’ll look after all of you!

You can’t do everything, but you can definitely grow stronger than you were before. By mastering your breathing, there are many things you will be able to do. – To Tanjiro

It’s our first meeting, but I already hate you. – To Akaza

This boy is not weak. Do not insult him. – To Akaza

Inosuke, move! For Rengoku-san’s sake, move!

Rengoku met his final demise in the Mugan Train Arc. Movie when he was seriously wounded on the battlefield against Akaza, one of the Upper-Rank Demons who possessed immense strength enough to overwhelm even a Hashira.

He had a strong sense of justice and followed the path of his father and became a Hashira. We could see in the flesh back scenes that his mother was someone who encouraged him to follow the path of justice and stand for the weak who can’t protect themselves.

Kyojoro’s death left a mark on the entire Demon Slayer Corpse especially Tanjiro. And they were fired up to become more efficient and efficient in their respective roles.

But it was Rengoku who bestowed some words of wisdom upon Tanjiro and his team members about not dwelling on the fact that they couldn’t protect him. And stated that it was his duty as a Hashira to protect them even at the cost of his life and that any other Hashira would’ve done the same.

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Hello, I'm Purosotam, an Otaku who spends most of his free time reading manga or watching anime. Writing about them makes me feel connected with the community, and so, here I am!

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