20+ Wind Breaker Anime quotes from Haruka & Kotoha

Wind Breaker anime has arrived to make its place in the industry by releasing its first episode on 4th April 2024.

Here I have mentioned some of the epic Wind Breaker quotes that come from characters like Haruka Sakura the main protagonist and Kotoha Tachibana the female lead character.

The story revolves around Haruka, a teenage boy whose appearance sets him apart from the rest of the society.

Wind Breaker Anime quotes from Haruka
Wind Breaker Anime quotes from Haruka

Nobody seems to like him or treat him with respect, as a result, he is used to being alone but not lonely, as fighting is the one thing that keeps his spirit up.

Best Wind Breaker Anime quotes;

Explaining the story of Wind Breaker Anime in short
Wind Breaker Anime story

This story is how a boy at the lowest of the low, hated by all, worth nothing but fists.. Became the hero of the town.

Haruka Sakura is a boy who was constantly looked down upon just because his appearance wasn’t common as compared to normal humans.

His hairs were split in two colours followed by eyes that were different in colour as well.

The anime ‘Wind Breaker’ focuses on Haruka, a boy who couldn’t fit in society owing to his physical appearance.

However, just as it’s said, that there are places and people for everyone’s liking, Haruka stumbles upon a town where he’d be appreciated and accepted.

I love the strong. Got no interest in the weak.

Haruka arrives in the new town to attend a ‘Furin’ High school which is home to many delinquents.

He is the kind of person who ignores the weak and doesn’t bother to involve himself too much with them.

And his primary goal in life is to seek out the strongest to brawl with them for self-satisfaction. However, deep inside, it was his perspective of viewing things that made him Persuade this approach.

The weak who mistakenly think they’re strong. They disgust me.

It is a known fact that some people tend to represent themselves as the perfect candidate, even though they’re aware of their weaknesses.

Haruka despises them and resorts to violence just to make them realise their reality. And we got to witness it happening in the first episode of the ‘Wind Breaker’ anime.

What goes on inside your head that makes you even think you’re stronger? Remember my name and face. So that the weak will avoid me, and the strong will find me.

Haruka notices a bunch of weak guys trying to act mighty, he rushes to the scene and smashes them without a second thought.

Although he explains to Kotoha that it wasn’t his intention to save her from those guys, it is visible that he couldn’t stand bullies and would help anyone in trouble.

Haruka Sakura from Furin high school.

The protagonist heroically introduces himself. He wants people to remember him, and not just anyone but the strong.

I’m Kotoha Tachibana. Nice to meet you!

She became a global crush for Otakus right after the first episode was released.

Kotoha is a kind and gentle lady who runs a local restaurant in the town. She is saved by Haruka and offers him some food as thanks.

She goes on to understand Haruka and the situations that might have shaped his personality.

Unlike many other female characters, Kotoha would play a major role in guiding the main protagonist and building a strong relationship.

Haruka Sakura quote from Wind Breaker
Haruka Sakura

Most people get disgusted or deny me without hearing me out.

Ironically, Haruka was discriminated against based on his appearance. Even helping others wouldn’t get him any closer to forming social bonds.

As a result, he was used to people’s rude opinions towards him.

How ya look doesn’t matter in a fight.

It was fighting that kept Haruka going. Wind Breaker anime is based on fighting. However, the protagonist of this show would continue to evolve in terms of socializing.

Fighting to become number one is the best thing ever.

Haruka joins the Furin High with an ambition to become the strongest individual there is. And since the school is filled with skilled fighters, it becomes an idle opportunity for him to shine.

You may be a good fighter. Even then you can’t claim the first spot at Furin. Because, you’re alone. – Kotoha

Haruka gave up on social connections like friendship, as no one ever talked to him in a friendly manner. Many would have failed if they were in his shoes.

But he still carries hope and decides to move forward even if he is alone.

I’m not so weak that I can’t win without relying on others.

Haruka is determined to a certain objective. Although he decided to move alone, there was a slight rise of confusion when Kotoha stated that no one could get to the top alone.

Everyone always rejects and denies. I don’t care. I gave up. But at the least, I want to find some value in me.

That’s the motivation which keeps him going. Acknowledging the reality is a part of self-awareness. Haruka is well aware of his condition.

But just like a strong warrior, he keeps moving with whatever is available to him. He wants to perfect his only skill and get to the top using the same.

I’m more aware than anyone else that I look weird. But what did I do to you because of that?

That’s when he teaches those outsiders some lessons and highlights his strong will. Even after being made fun of, Haruka didn’t break or give up.

If I’m a powerful fighter, if I’m the strongest, I’m at the top, aren’t I? What does that have to do with being alone?

Time will answer most of these questions that Haruka has. In the first episode, we only get to witness his obsession with fighting.

But it’s a given that anime protagonists continue to learn and level up, both mentally and physically as the series progresses.

Doing something for someone else never results to anything good.

He would get in trouble even while trying to help others.

Kotoha Tachibana quotes:

Kotoha Tachibana quotes
Kotoha Tachibana quotes

I said that you were alone but… I can tell that you didn’t willingly end up that way. I think. – Kotoha Tachibana

Kotoka learns more about the reasons why Haruka ended up being alone. As I mentioned earlier, she will add a lot to the plot and will continue to impact the series as it progresses.

Why does Haruka Sakura like fighting?

Throughout his life, people despised him for his looks. He would get negative responses while trying to help someone, as a result, he Focuses mainly on his primary goal, which is fighting to become the number one.

What kind of person is Haruka Sakura?

He is a person who can’t stand weak people trying to act mighty. Although he is not welcomed by people, he always tries to indirectly help those in need. Haruka gets blustered when anyone appreciates him. He’s a strong muscular boy with a unique appearance.

Are Haruka and Kotoha Tachibana in a relationship?

It’s visible that the chemistry between the two is increasing. Kotoha seems to be giving a liking to Haruka and would continue to make efforts that would get her closer to him. She has a kind and caring personality along with a strong sense of humour and never misses an opportunity to seek the fun out of a situation.

What is Bofurin in Wind Breaker anime?

The students from Furin High protected the town and its people when outsiders caused trouble to anyone in the town, therefore, the people of that town decided to call those students as ‘Bofurin’.

So these were some of the Wind Breaker anime quotes that filled the episode with thrill. I’ll keep this post updated as soon as new episodes are released.

Meanwhile, you should check out some Solo Leveling quotes and Frieren quotes that are popular among the community.

Hello, I'm Purosotam, an Otaku who spends most of his free time reading manga or watching anime. Writing about them makes me feel connected with the community, and so, here I am!

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